

Role: UX/UI Designer


Local Guide is a mobile application aimed to help inform travelers interesting destinations they can visit based on their timeframe, as well as helping them navigate to their destination to create a more pleasant experience for people traveling to unfamiliar places.

I worked on this project as the both the UX and UI designer in collaboration with my design director.


Prototypes (Axure, paper prototype), Adobe Illustrator, user interviews, personas, task-flow, journey map, usability testing, wireframing, story-board, affinity diagraming, mood boarding, style guide.

Project Brief

I was given the general instruction to create a mobile application aimed for travelers. The challenge of this project was to decipher the underlying users goals and constraints for dfferent types of travelers, then figuring viable solutions to address our users' needs


Domain Exploration

I started our domain research with competitive analysis to familiarize myself with the existing travel application industry.

Key Findings: I discovered that there are many mobile applications aimed to help people find housing and food during their travels; however, less applications are based on events or sight seeing.

User Interviews

The user interviews were a great way to look for user’s constraints and needs during their travels. I used an affinity diagram to seek for patterns from the user’s behavior from the conducted user interviews.

Key Findings: Here are some patterns observed among the typical users from the affinity diagram.

Users need to know what is achievable within a limited time frame.

Users need a system to sort through different types of results

Users need to know the operating hours for the locations before leaving



After reading through the interviews, I created two personas including their motivation, frustration, and needs that represents my typical users.

Key Findings: Eric is a businessman who frequently goes on short trips. He wants to find out what is immediately around him and fit in short trips between his daily meetings.


Key Findings: Joe is a father who wants to take his family of 4 out on vacations while staying on tight budget.

Problem Statement

From the research, I was created a problem statement for our design.

“During their travels, the users need a system to search for activities around them based on cost and distance measured by time, because time and cost are the most valued resources by the users.”

Design Principles

Here are the 3 central design principles that our platform will maintain throughout.

  • 1.  Timeframe and cost should be the center of the design.
  • 2.  The design should be easily understood without ambuigity for the users.
  • 3.  The aesthetics should be inviting and inspire adventures.


User Journey

Apart from sketching low fidelity screens for immediate feedback, I also created user journeys based on the personas to help me empathize my user's experience during their travels.

Task Flow

To thoroughly think through each steps my users will be experiencing, I created a task flow to help me flesh out the details of my design

Brainstorm & Sketch

Once I have decided the direction of the application, I started brain storming for different possible executions. I then started protoyping with paper to gain immediate feedback so I can start gaining concept validation and iteration early on.

Key Findings: I found out measurement by distance itself is meaningless for for the users, the insight they need from knowing the distance is the time it takes to reach their destination.


I took the the feedback from the low fidelity screens and created a mid-fidelity prototype using Axure to capture some more detail.


Meanwhile, I have been exploring different directions for my UI design. I made a moodboard to keep all my inspirations in one place


I decided to use Museo Slab and Candara because both of them can be clearly displayed on a small screen and also send off a vivid playful vibe.

Brand Color

I used yellow to differentiate my applicatoin from competitors, which mainly uses pink and green. Also yellow sends off a vibrant and joyful vibe that inspires adventure.

Prototype & Iterate

Axure Prototype

I did another round of iteration in my Axure prototpye after testing the intial mid-fidelity prototype

Key Findings: I discovered that people liked the information and the general user flow. I condensed a few screens together and added some more default choices that reflects my typical users to shorten the time it takes for the users to reach to the "results" page, but also allow power users to make changes.

Axure Prototype

Final UI Screens

I made some more iteration based on the feedback I received from the Axure prototype. Here are some screens from the final high-fidelity mockup.


To determine the results of my design, one of the methods I decided use was to run a net promoter score survey. The result is presented below.

Thanks for viewing,

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